■ 焊錫簡介:
所謂焊錫係錫鉛合金,人類早在羅馬時代即懂得利用焊錫來接合金屬,現在不僅電子業、通信器材工業、隨著製罐業、汽車工業之發展,焊錫也被廣泛的使用,且因上述業者之生產技術不斷地改良、發展,焊錫之種類及形狀亦跟隨著增加,因此能適當地選擇焊錫之種類、形狀對提高業者之生產有立竿見影之效。 本公司創立於民國59年係台灣焊錫製造業者中歷史最悠久,並於民國71年11月取得經濟部中央標準局正字標記,1996年取得ISO認證,至今均保持並保證品質之安定。特別是本廠採用精選之上等原料,進口馬來西亞及澳洲等原產地之純錫和純鉛,加以精煉製成各種鎳錫,品質超越國際水準,能符合英美 QQ-S-571E、ASTM B32 、 BS219及日本JIS Z3282或 中國CNS 2475國家標準。

■ Introduction to solder:
Solder is a group of alloys, composing of lead and tin, it is recorded that solder was used to joint metals, as far back in time as the day's of the Roman Empire. Today lhe demand for solder is growing rapidly, due to the tremendous expansion in today's electronic, communications, canning and automotive industry's technologies. With the advancement of these industry's manufacturing technologies, there is a greater demand for more diverse and exacting solder types and shapes. For improved productivity in all fields, the correct type and shape of solder, used in varying processes, is of vital importance. As a first manufacturer in Taiwan, Solnet metal industry Co., Ltd. was established in 1970 also awarded the CNS certification mark in November 1982. ISO 2000 in 1996. From the very superior raw materials we ensured that it only supplied the market with high quality products to maintain our reputation for quality especially. We import virgin tin and lead from Malaysia and Australia, where the best tin and lead are mainly originated for supply, No wander that it can meet the application of FEDERAL Specifications, ASTM and JIS, CNS Standards.